Monthly Archives: March 2012

Caputo’s Pizza…A Pleasant Surprise

So the fam and I headed over to Caputo’s Pizza in Clifton Park last night for a quick slice of pizza.  In my humble, snobby Long Islander opinion, they have the best NY style pizza that I’ve tried in the area.  I quickly scarfed down my first slice, J was on his second, and our daughter was happily munching her slice.  I noticed on the board that they have home made soups and I’m a sucker for Pasta Fagioli soup, so I ordered a bowl.  Man, am I glad I did because it was freaking delicious.  It was hearty, the broth was rich and delicious, and the best part were the pieces of proscuitto floating in the soup.  It was hands down, one of the best bowls of pasta fagioli I’ve ever had.  It was just chock full of goodness. Based on that soup, we’re definitely going to go back and try some actual dinner items and hopefully they will measure up.

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